Social Networks

Banking…On Our Future

Make sure to "Like, Follow and Join

the City of Ridgeland Chamber of Commerce

on all of the most popular social media sites!



Our Facebook page is open to the public and is a great way to interact with members and the general public. Postings on this page include photos from ribbon cuttings and events. Additional posts may include interesting articles, news about the City of Ridgeland, the Ridgeland Chamber and upcoming community events in the area. What are you waiting for? Join the over 1300+ fans that like the City of Ridgeland Chamber of Commerce.
View Facebook page



Come follow us on Twitter for short daily updates on the Chamber and the community as a whole. In only 140 characters or less get your City of Ridgeland Chamber news quickly and be on your way. This page is open to the general public.
View Twitter feed



Join our vast following on Linkedin and connect with other businesses. Branch out and network, let us introduce you to tons of businesses in the City of Ridgeland!
Request to join LinkedIn group


For info regarding the Chamber's social networking sites, call the Chamber at 601-991-9996.
